Do you have any queries?

Please click on your category of interest below to find answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information:


How to become a member?

1) If your city would like to join us, please send the following registration form to the Secretariat of Mayors for Peace: Registration Form (PDF) Registration Form (WORD) *Registration Forms also available in: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and Korean. 2) The Secretariat registers its new member cities once a month (around the 20th). 3) Date of affiliation is the 1st day of the month following the date registration procedures are completed by the Secretariat. “Certification of Membership” will be sent out to newly affiliated cities after the date of affiliation.

How can I collaborate as a member city?

Promote a City Council resolution calling your state to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons / Organize programs, activities and events concerning peace issues / Involve your local government in Mayors for Peace initiatives / Invite other cities who are not yet members to join Mayors for Peace.

In which projects could I be involved as a member city?

Please visit Projects section in this website in order to find the initiative which fits better with your local action.

Which European Executive or Lead city should I be in contact with?

The European Vice President, Executive or Lead cities are in charge of the regional chapter of their country and they play a leadership role in promoting activities in their region. As leader cities of their respective regions, these cities shall also direct and manage the national chapters for their country. Accordingly, the European member cities shall be represented by the Executive/Lead city of their country and the technical secretariat of the European chapter. Please visit About > Member Cities section in this website to find your Lead city.

Should I pay a membership fee as a member?

In order to facilitate future activities and strengthen the sense of solidarity amongst member cities, Mayors for Peace Secretariat introduced an annual Membership Fee in 2015. Mayors for Peace Secretariat ask each member city to pay a fee of 2.000 Japanese yen every year (approximately 18 Euro -19 USD). The collected Membership Fees will be allocated toward new and existing projects listed on the Mayors for Peace Action Plan. Membership Fee details are specified here: